Dimension 2: Safety



Young South Australians are safe and nurtured


Children and young people are safe from preventable injury


The proportion of children and young people under 18 years presenting to public hospital emergency departments whose presentation are classified as ‘potentially preventable hospitalisations’ in SA was 12.1% in 2022 (13.3% in 2018).

Data Source: Health Information Portal (Admitted Activity), SA Health

Preventable/unintentional deaths due to injury

For a three-year period from 2014-16, 5.3 per 100,000 deaths of children and young people under 15 years in SA were attributable to preventable/unintentional injury (4.5 in 2010-12).
Nationally, the rate was 4.1 from 2014-16 (5.0 in 2010-12).

Data Source: AIHW, Children’s Headline Indicators

Restraint in vehicles

In 2022-23, 396 police cautions or fines were issued in SA to drivers for passengers under 16 years not being safely restrained (a significant reduction from 614 in 2018-19).

Data Source: DATA SA, Expiation Notice System Data

All children and young peopleDimension 2: SafetyChildren and young people are safe from preventable injury